Castor and Pollux 1794
Bacchus (Dionysus), Ampelos, Silenus and a Maenad 1794
Cupid and Psyche 1794
Untitled 1803
The Muses: Urania, Erato and Calliope 1794
Possibly, Pasiphae and the Bull 1794
The Young Dionysus 1794
Paetus and Arria 1794
The Muses: Terpsichore and Polyhymnia 1794
Orestes and Electra 1794
Pasquino (Menelaus supporting the Body of Patroclus) 1794
The Muses: Euterpe and Melpomene 1794
Bacchic Celebrations 1794
Portrait of Lady Sarah Elizabeth and The Hon. Jeffrey Amh... 1811
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis 1794
Three Personifications of Cities 1794
Orpheus and Eurydice 1794
Portrait of Sir George Wright, 2nd Baronet (c.1770-1812) 1791
Autumn or Winter and Theseus or Hercules carrying a Bull 1794
The Muses: Clio and Thalia 1794