Henry Frederick (1594–1612), Prince of Wales, with Sir Jo... 1603
Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), Later Queen of Bohemia 1606
Prince Charles, the Future Charles I 1612
Lady Elizabeth Pope 1615
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Elizabeth Pope (ca. 1585; l...
Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clo...
Untitled 1612
Portrait of a Man, possibly Thomas Howard, third Viscount... 1599
Frances, Lady Reynell, of West Ogwell, Devon 1595
Lady Anne Pope 1615
Henry, Prince of Wales with Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of... 1605
Charles I, 1600 - 1649. Reigned 1625 - 1649 1610
Henry, Prince of Wales 1610
Henry Frederick, 1594-1612, Prince of Wales
Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia and Electress Palati...
Sir Charles Cornwallis 1650
Elizabeth St. Albyn
Princess Elizabeth (Elizabeth of Bohemia, 'The Winter Que... 1603
Cecilia Neville 1617
Richard Wingfield (c. 1524–1591) 1587