Pheasant and ducks 1720
Flower Still Life with a Fragment of a Roman Relief 1729
Peacock and Domestic Poultry near a Statue in a Garden 1731
Birds in a Landscape 1722
Le Louvre et la Galerie du bord de l'eau, vus du Pont-Neu... 1650
La Porte de la Conférence, vers 1685 1685
Le Pont-Neuf, la Cité, la Tour et la Porte de Nesle, vers... 1650
Still Life of a Silver Urn with Flowers and Fruit on a Le... 1726
Flower Bouquet 1800
Le Pont-Neuf, la Seine et le Louvre, vers 1670 1670
Peacock and Chickens, with a View of a House 1731
Still Life with Flowers 1726
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