Members of the civic guard company of Captain Dirck Tholi...
Maaltijd van Schutters van de Compagnie van Kapitein Jaco... 1632
The osteology lesson of Dr. Sebastiaen Egbertsz. 1619
Portrait of a Young Woman 1632
Portrait of Jacob Backer (1572-1643) (copy)
Untitled 1645
Portrait of a Man 1632
Officers and other civic guardsmen of the IVth District o... 1642
Untitled 1630
Elisabeth Cobbault (1587/88-1655). Echtgenote van Pieter... 1637
Portret van Maria Joachimsdr Swartenhont (1598-1631) 1627
Portrait of a Lady 1633
De regenten van het Spinhuis 1628
Portrait of Catharina Hooft 1636
Portrait of a Lady 1635
Portrait of a Man 1635
Portrait of Nicolaas Tulp (1593-1674) (copy) 1674
Portrait of Cornelis de Graeff 1636
Portrait of a Man with Gloves 1630