Landscape with Shepherds 1626
Wooded Pool with Salmacis and Hermaphroditus 1627
An Arcadian wooded landscape with nymphs, cattle and a ma...
Arcadian Landscape with Ruins and Herdsmen 1623
Latona and her Children 1629
Cecrop's Daughters Discovering Erichtonius
Måneskinslandskab med mytologisk (?) motiv 1625
Juno, Argus and Io 1625
Landscape with Mythological Figures 1628
Flusslandschaft mit badenden Frauen (Hermaphroditus und S... 1615
Bacchanal 1627
Bucolic scene (shepherd scene ?) 1618
Landschaft mit Göttern und Satyren 1615
The Finding of Moses 1625
" Urteil des Midas " 1615
Arcadian landscape 1615