Mariangela Gindi Bellesis

Artist (Greece)



Η Μαριάντζελα Γκίντη γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα.Σπούδασε υποκριτική τρία χρόνια στον Πειραικο Συνδεσμο και απεκτησε πτυχίο μετα απο τελικές εξετάσεις του υπουργείου Πολιτισμού το 2004. Αμεσως μετα συνεχισε τις σπουδές της στο New York College στην σκηνοθεσία και το σενάριο.Εργάζεται από το 2006-2009 στην ελληνική τηλεόραση σαν βοηθός σκηνοθέτη σε σηριαλ.Ανεβάζει και παραστάσεις...



Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added An ephemeral purity by Peter Strobos to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added My Family by Alexey Golovin to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Family by Alexey Golovin to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Awakening the Hero by Alexey Golovin to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis followed Alexey Golovin

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Chronos by Alexey Golovin to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Nostalgia by Jose Higuera to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added the monster on top of the bed by Jeremiah Morelli to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Renaissance Nostalgia by Azamat Kuliev to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis followed gonefg

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Arrow by David Caesar to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added ORION by Pascale Pratte to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis followed Christina Ramos

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Cosplay by Christina Ramos to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis tagged Star seed woman by Mariangela Gindi Bellesis

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added "Apocalypse" by Giorgio Pol. Ioannidis to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Sophia's Lament by Sarah Dolby to their profile

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis followed

Mariangela Gindi Bellesis added Hania i Bond / Hania and Bond by Anna Miarczyńska to their profile