The arrival of the reapers in the fields 1830
Jeune italienne assise sur les rochers à Capri 1827
Procidanerin mit ihrem Kind 1826
Le Retour de la fête de la madone de l'arc, près de Naple... 1827
La Confidence 1835
Le Lendemain du tremblement de terre 1830
Brigand and his wife in prayer 1824
Portrait of Fanny Girardet 1812
Young girl from Sorrento 1824
View of Naples with Vesuvius 1825
The Death of the Brigand 1824
Young girl from Sonnino removing a thorn from the side of... 1828
Portrait of a girl from Procida 1822
Portrait of Madelaine Jacot-Guillarmod 1818
Dies palmarum, two Neapolitan girls returning from the fe... 1823
Italian Peasant Girl 1800
Two bathers, San Donato Val di Comino costume 1827
The Brigand Asleep 1826
The Brigand on the Watch 1825
Brigant in the Roman Campagna 1821