Chinese Lady Playing a Flute 1674
Album of Hawks and Calligraphy 1674
Four Admirers 1690
Album of Copies of Chinese Paintings 1667
Nunobiki Waterfall, Mount Yoshino, and Tatsuta River
Six panel screen
Reeds and Geese
Scenes from the Tale of Genji 1677
Swallow 1674
Xiwangmu (Seiobo) and a Pine Tree
Mandarin Ducks and Iris 1674
Java Sparrow by Pink and Red Hibiscus Mutablis 1683
Four Accomplishments (Kinkishoga 琴棋書画図) 1700
Painting of Jurōjin 1690
Eight Views of Xiao Xiang 1683
Sage Writing on a Rock 1683