Nativity 1530
The Nativity 1550
The Visitation 1533
Martyrdom of Saint Stephen"" 1534
The Resurrection of Christ 1534
Saint Lawrence / Saint Hilary 1559
The Death of the Virgin 1550
The Agony in the Garden 1533
Christ presented in the Temple
Saint Dominic of Guzmán 1600
San Bernardo 1540
Lamentación ante Cristo muerto 1540
El profeta Habacuc 1530
La Virgen el Niño y Santa Ana 1540
Saint Stephen / The Imposition of the Chasuble on Saint I... 1559
The Last Judgment 1545
Pilatos lavándose las manos 1540
The Virgin Appears to Saint Bernard 1540
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1550
Descent from the Cross 1545