Vue du port de Toulon, la vieille darse, prise du côté de...
A Sporting Contest on the Tiber at Rome 1750
An Italian Harbour in Stormy Weather 1750
Orientalischer Seehafen bei Sonnenaufgang
A Landscape at Sunset 1773
Morning: A Port in Mist - Fishermen hauling in their Boat 1751
Classical Landscape 1824
A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas 1773
View of Bordeaux Harbor 1759
A River with Fishermen 1751
A View of Tivoli with the Anio Novus Aqueduct 1751
Seesturm: Die Gefahren des Meeres 1772
The Waterfalls at Tivoli, with the Villa of Maecenas 1750
Construction of a Large Road 1774
La tempête 1752
Charles III hunting on Lake Licola 1746
Midday: A Ship Offshore, foundering in a Storm 1751
Night: Rocky Inlet with Fisherfolk setting their Nets, co... 1751
Nymphs Bathing, the Time is the Morning 1771
A River Landscape 1751