A Bay Horse in a Field 1778
A Chestnut Horse in a Stable 1791
A Grey Arab Stallion in a Desert Landscape
Robert Bakewell
A Bay Hunter named 'Sir Oliver' 1808
'Spotted Nancy', Sire Shakespeare Dam-horned Nancy Daught... 1792
An Oak Tree struck by Lightning in Dunham Park 1808
A Horse and Groom outside a Porch 1791
An Oak Tree struck by Lightning in Dunham Park
'Broken-horned Beauty', 18 years old Garrick's Mother, Si... 1792
'Brindled Beauty', Sire Shakespeare Dam Long-horned Beaut... 1792
'Garrick's Sister', Sire Shakespeare Dam Long-horned Beau... 1792
Two Hunters: 'Prophet' and 'Surprise' 1782