Susannah and the Elders
The Good Samaritan
Untitled 1601
Eleazar and Rebekah at the Well
Mercury piping to Argus
Adam and Eve (after Pietro da Cortona) 1656
Krijger staand met linkervoet op tegenstander (David en G... 1642
Jupiter and Mercury at Philemon and Baucis 1660
Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh 1692
Faun playing the flute. 1675
The Good Samaritane 1676
Music Lesson 1650
Cato the Younger's Death 1672
Der Schutzengel und der Erzengel Michael 1691
Die Schande Noahs
Isaak segnet Jakob 1665
Der sterbende Seneca 1665
Hl. Josef mit dem Christkind 1680