Jake Blake

Artist (United States)



Exhibitions: Oct. 6th, 2012 Black Cube Collective Group Exhibition Old St. Paul's Church Hall Edinburgh, Scotland Sept. 22 - Oct. 4, 2012 Black Cube Collective Group Exhibition Arts Complex Gallery Edinburgh, Scotland Sept. 13 - 16, 2012 Black Cube Collective Group Exhibition Old Ambulance Depot Edinburgh, Scotland July 13, 2012 DAS ART Group Exhibition Germania S...



Jake Blake rated Idol (3) by Espen Erichsen

Jake Blake followed Espen Erichsen

Jake Blake rated PEEL by Jake Blake

Jake Blake rated SKIN by Jake Blake

Jake Blake rated HATE by Jake Blake

Jake Blake uploaded the artwork PEEL by Jake Blake

Jake Blake uploaded the artwork SKIN by Jake Blake

Jake Blake uploaded the artwork HATE by Jake Blake

Jake Blake followed Isabel Garmon

Jake Blake rated WRETCHED by Jake Blake

Jake Blake rated SHIV(er) by Jake Blake

Jake Blake rated FIX by Jake Blake

Jake Blake rated GHOSTS by Jake Blake

Jake Blake tagged GHOSTS by Jake Blake

Jake Blake tagged SHIV(er) by Jake Blake

Jake Blake tagged WRETCHED by Jake Blake

Jake Blake tagged FIX by Jake Blake

Jake Blake followed Jake Blake