Flora and Zephyr 1740
Bacchus and Ariadne
Untitled 1701
Clorinda Rescuing Olindo and Sophronia 1740
Jupiter and Callisto
Portrait group: The singer Farinelli and friends
Juno Receiving the Head of Argos 1732
Le Sacrifice d'Iphigénie 1740
Peter I with Minerva (with the Allegorical Figure of Glor... 1732
Anne, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange (1709-1759) 1734
The Rape of Europa 1729
The Birth of Adonis
Aeneas and Achates wafted in a Cloud before Dido, Queen o... 1735
Mercury About to Slay Argus 1731
Maria Anna Caroline of Baviera (1696-1750) as nun 1750
portrait de Sigismund Streit 1739
Marcus Curius Dentatus refuses the gifts of the Samnites 1738
Portrait of the Marquis de la Ensenada 1750
Moses and the Brazen Serpent 1725
Bacchanals I