The Israelites gathering Manna in the Wilderness 1650
Presentation to the temple
The Expulsion of Hagar 1646
Joseph Selling Corn 1660
Scène de l'ancien testament.
The Three Young Men in the Fiery Furnace 1650
Moses strikes water from the stone 1651
Untitled 1640
The Dismissal of Hagar and Ishmael 1650
The Twenty-Four Elders Kneeling before the Lamb 1647
The Hosts of Pharoah engulfed by the Red Sea 1652
Christ and the adulteress 1650
Discovery of the Joseph's Silver Cup in Benjamin's Sack
Merry Company by a Fountain
A Landscape with a River at the Foot of a Hill 1646
The Raising of Lazarus 1648
Judas Casts down the Pieces of Silver in the Temple 1642
Diogenes probeert bij daglicht met een aangestoken lantaa... 1650