Pythagoreans Celebrate Sunrise 1869
Abandoned 1873
Self-Portrait 1856
The Parable of Lazarus 1900
Martyr on a Circus Ring 1869
The Roman Baths 1858
Consecration of the Herm 1874
Entering the Arena 1869
The Monk and the Beggar 1902
Cursed Field; The Place of Execution in Ancient Rome; Cru... 1878
Buildings 1900
Apelles Chooses Nudes 1900
Reading the Newspaper 1880
Meeting of a Princess 1883
Portrait of a Woman in White 1859
Portrait of the Artist K.D. Flavitsky 1873
Portrait of an Old Man 1900
Landscape with Ruins 1900
Sick Man at the Walls of a Catholic Monastery 1874
Sick Artist 1861