Elena Roush

Artist (United States)



I am Ukrainian-American artist, was born in Ukraine and also obtained my M.A. degree in Kiev Technological Light Industry Institute. Since 2008 I moved to US and now permanently reside in West Valley City, Utah, United States. I consider myself an international artist, because during my professional life I visited 17 countries on business and as a tourist. My paintings c...


Elena Roush added Roses and Apples by Elena Roush to their profile

Elena Roush uploaded the artwork Roses and Apples by Elena Roush

Elena Roush added Irises on Blue by Elena Roush to their profile

Elena Roush uploaded the artwork Irises on Blue by Elena Roush

Elena Roush added Let's Friends by Elena Roush to their profile

Elena Roush added Poppies and Chamomiles by Elena Roush to their profile

Elena Roush rated Tulips by Elena Roush