Artist (United Kingdom)
Dave Rothwell rated No meeting day by Dima Rebus
Dave Rothwell rated The silent smile by Mihaela Plesca
Dave Rothwell rated Calm by Mihaela Plesca
Dave Rothwell rated Portrait by Mihaela Plesca
Dave Rothwell rated The wine's transition by Mihaela Plesca
Dave Rothwell followed Mihaela Plesca
Dave Rothwell followed Alfredo Mario Figueras
Dave Rothwell uploaded the artwork Blue Through To Purple Triptych. by Dave Rothwell
Dave Rothwell uploaded the artwork Is There An Angel Out There? by Dave Rothwell
Dave Rothwell uploaded the artwork Illyria by Dave Rothwell
Dave Rothwell uploaded the artwork Which Way to Never Never Land by Dave Rothwell
Dave Rothwell uploaded the artwork Blue Roses for a Blue Day by Dave Rothwell
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