Tilbury Fort--Wind Against the Tide 1853
Mount St Michael, Cornwall 1830
A Dutch Barge and Merchantmen Running out of Rotterdam 1856
Sketch for ‘The Battle of Trafalgar, and the Victory of L... 1833
The Temple of Jupiter Olympus, Athens
The Canal of the Guidecca, and the Church of the Gesuati,... 1836
Scene on the Flemish Coast, the Tide making in 1837
Lake Como 1825
The Capuchin Convent at Amalfi 1840
Bligh Sands, Sheerness
The Opening of New London Bridge, 1 August 1831 1831
A View of Vietri in the Gulf of Salerno 1840
Shakespeare Cliff, Dover, 1849 1862
Oude Scheld - Texel Island, Looking towards Nieuwe Diep a... 1844
A View near Devizes, with Stoke Park, Erlestoke or Earl S... 1829
A View of Ischia 1841
Clarkson Frederick Stanfield - Annan - Skiddaw In The Dis...
Coast scene near Genoa 1846
Orford 1833
Amalfi (Birthplace of the Mariner's Compass)