Artist (Netherlands)
Portrait of Jacob van den Eynde, Governor of Woerden 1700
Portrait of Joannes Cools (born 1611), Jurist, Historian... 1700
Portrait of Hendrik Bruno, Poet and Co-Rector of the Lati... 1700
Portrait of Samuel Ampzing, Clergyman and Poet in Haarlem 1700
Hugo de Groot op jonge leeftijd 1710
Goverd Bidloo (1649-1713), dichter en hoogleraar in de ge... 1700
Jan Vos (c. 1620-67), Amsterdam poet 1700
Portrait of Matthijs Gansneb, called Tengnagel, Poet in A... 1700
Portrait of Joannes Vollenhove, Clergyman and Poet in The... 1700
Graftombe van Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen te Kleef 1710
Portrait of Johannes Polyander à Kerckhoven, Professor of... 1700
Portrait of Theodorus Schrevelius, Rector of the Latin Sc... 1700
Portrait of Jacob Heiblocq, Rector of the Latin School in... 1700
Portrait of David Lingelbach I, Founder of the Nieuwe Do... 1700
Portrait of Balthasar Bekker, Clergyman and Man of Letter... 1700
Portrait of Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, Painter and Po... 1700
Portrait of Jeremias de Decker, Poet in Amsterdam 1700
Portrait of Anthony Janssen van der Goes, Poet in Amsterd... 1700
Portrait of Jan Six, Poet and Burgomaster of Amsterdam 1700
Portrait of Frans van Hoogstraten, Poet and Bookseller in... 1700