Baptism of Christ 1710
Esther and Mordecai 1685
Ester y Mardoqueo escribiendo la primera carta del Purim...
Portrait of Ernest de Beveren, Lord of West-IJsselmonde a... 1685
The Jewish Bride 1684
Joseph Crying in his Chamber after Having Seen his Brothe... 1685
The Agony in the Garden 1715
Grabtragung Christi 1715
Portrait of an Old Man 1682
Portrait of a child, presumed Mattys Decker (b.1679) 1680
Kreuzabnahme 1715
Portrait of a man in a turban 1639
Portrait of a Man 1689
Kreuzigung 1715
Esther and Mardochai 1685
On the Way to Golgatha ? 1687
Abraham and three Angels 1680
Christus am Ölberg 1715
Esther und Mardochai 1685