Andrey Aranyshev

Artist (Russian Federation)



A painter who is a philosopher costs dear, but it is double as costly if he is a truly master of art. Andrey Aranyshev carries rare conviction in combining the methods of creating conditional decorativeness, colour surface and figuraly-spatial reality. His objects are bright and delicate; his images are not flesh but emotion. However the artist doesn't create antropomorp...


Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Walk With Dogs by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Spagetti by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Serenade by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Red Clowns by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Petrushka by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Trumpeters by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Ophelia by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Jazz by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Sounds of Quietness by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Girl With Doll by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Dance by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Embrace by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Spaghetti by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Nature morte by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork Apples by Andrey Aranyshev

Andrey Aranyshev uploaded the artwork The Walk by Andrey Aranyshev