Artist (Portugal)
The Leap of the Rabbit 1911
Os galgos
Untitled (Fiandeira) 1913
The Stronghold 1912
Dom Quixote 1914
Manhufe Landscape 1912
Trou de la serrure PARTO DA VIOLA Bon ménage Fraise avant... 1916
Untitled 1914
Coty, painting by Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso 1917
Clown, Horse, Salamander 1911
Watermills telegraph Wire 1915
Les Cavaliers 1913
Portrait of Francisco Cardoso 1913
Popular song and bird from Brazil 1916
Blue window 1915
Head 1913
Mucha 1915
Life of Instruments 1916
Small guitar 1914
Landscape with black figure 1914