A General View of the Falls of Niagara
The Great Horseshoe Fall, Niagara 1820
Sugar Loaf Mountain
Corn Husking Frolic 1828
Landscape with Cows
The Prairie on Fire 1827
Approaching Storm, White Mountains
Lake in the Mountains with Hunters
Mishap at the Ford 1818
Sir Archy by Diomed out of Castianira 1823
A Roadside Meeting: Winter 1815
Lakes and Mountains
Merrimack River Landscape
Portrait of a Lady 1840
Portrait of a Gentleman 1840
Samuel Gilman (1791-1858) 1820
College Yard: A View from the President's House 1821
Little Bo-Peep 1835
College Yard: A View of the Colleges Taken Near the Craig... 1821
Niagara: The American Falls 1821