Untitled 1830
Untitled 1837
Knight in armour 1835
Funeral of the Five Victims 1861
St. Mary Magdalene
Portrait of king Sigismund III Vasa (1566–1632) 1860
Youth of Bolesław the Wry-Mouthed 1850
Portrait of Julia née Bergson, artist’s wife
Dream of Gediminas about the Iron Wolf
Portrait of Stefan Czarniecki (1599–1665) 1851
Portrait of the artist’s father, Levy Lesser 1850
Portrait of John II Casimir Vasa (1609–1672) 1850
Death of Barbara Radziwiłł 1859
Monk – pilgrim 1850
Portrait of Friedrich Berg 1868
Patriotic manifestation at the square of the Old Town in... 1861
Portrait of Stephen Báthory 1846
Sketch for “Wincenty Kadłubek” 1845
Jadwiga przypatrująca się wjazdowi Jagiełły na zamek krak... 1853