The Equatorial Jungle 1909
Rendezvous in the Forest 1889
Tropical Forest with Monkeys 1910
Fatata te Miti (By the Sea) 1892
Woman Tying Her Shoe (Frau, Schuh Zuknopfend) 1912
Parau na te Varua ino (Words of the Devil) 1892
Boy on the Rocks 1897
Three Bathers by Stones (Drei Badende an Steinen) 1913
Girls from Fehmarn (Fehmarn Mädchen) 1913
Te Pape Nave Nave (Delectable Waters) 1898
Things aren't what they seem to be.
Summer 1909
Get Along Little Dogies
Young Woman Wearing a Turban 1812
Under the Pandanus (I Raro te Oviri)
Saatchi Art Artist: Evangelos Papapostolou; Acrylic 2014... 2014
Untitled 1907
Saltimbanque in Wonderland 2018
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 1907