Africa - Atlas
The light from your eyes 2012
Gemini 2008
Three sisters 2012
Stockholm - Queen of North
Erda 2011
Capricorn 2012
People and animals 2010
Religion 2012
In the heart of the Univers, where the stars are born 2012
Night guide 2012
The Path Finder 2011
In celebration
the nightingale sharpens it's wing 2012
A Factory nigh Aberystwith 1840
Felin y Craig or Rock Mill 1840
A Bridge over the Rhydol 1840
A Fall of the Rhydol, Havren ac Owy a Rhydiol Mawr i Anrh... 1840
Aberystwith Castle 1840
The Millstream at Swydd y Funnon