Per Brahe the Elder (1520 – 90) 1581
Per Brahe the Younger (1602 – 80) 1650
Per Abraham Örnsköld (1720-1791), friherre, ämbetsman, la...
Portrait of Per Brahe the Younger (1602-1680) 1660
Untitled 1767
Anna Charlotta von Stapelmohr (1754-1791), married to Sta... 1775
Untitled 1760
Portrait of Bishop Ignacy Krasicki
Secretary Konrad Arvid Johan Mandorf 1793
Portrait of Teresa Poniatowska 1767
Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina 1767
The Artist's Daughter Wilhelmina 1782
Anders Johan von Höpken, 1712-1789, greve