Dispute between Minerva and Neptune over the Naming of th... 1689
Saint Gervais et saint Protais amenés devant Astasius ref... 1652
Water, or the Fight of Achilles against Scamander and Sim... 1819
Solomon Sacrificing to the Idols 1640
Divina Tragedia 1867
Aeneas and his Companions Fighting the Harpies 1645
Supplice d'une vestale 1857
Temple de Minerva Medica près de Rome 1826
A Pagan Procession 1892
Shrovetide. Farewell to Winter. XVII Century 2001
Le triomphe de Christianisme sur le paganisme 1868
Fleeing Paganism; Väinämöinen Gives Way to the Power of t... 1860