A Dutch kaag in a light breeze 1655
A calm Sea with a Kaag and a Boeier close to the Shore
A Kaag and a Smak in a Calm 1653
A Dutch Ship and a Kaag in a Fresh Breeze
Calm: a kaag sailing out from the end of a pier
A kaag and a hoeker lying at the end of a pier; at the ri... 1661
A Dutch ship at anchor drying sails and a Kaag under sail 1665
A Kaag at Anchor with Sails Hoisted and a State Yacht and...
A wijdschip and a kaag in an inlet close to a sea-wall 1661
Calm: A Kaag near the Shore with other Vessels 1673
A Kaag and a Smalschip near the Shore 1660
A kaag and a weyschuit running before a strong breeze
A Kaag before a Strong Breeze 1678
A kaag going to windward in a fresh breeze