Portrait of Henri Benner 1810
Portrait of Elizabeth of Russia 1821
Portrait of Emperor Paul I 1821
Autoportrait en saint Jean-Baptiste - Henri Martin 1883
A Glimpse of Notre-Dame in the Late Afternoon 1902
The Dream 1910
Self-Portrait 1906
Portrait de Suzanne Valadon (The hangover)
Fruit and Coffeepot 1898
Myself: Portrait – Landscape
Selbstporträt vor einem Spiegel 1883
Henri Cordier 1883
La Carriole du Père Junier 1908
Hommage to Delacroix 1864
Portrait of the artist with oil lamp 1903
Portrait du peintre Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1883
Henri de la Rochejacquelein 1816
The Death of Henri de la Rochejaquelein 1850
Henri Oswald de La Tour d'Auvergne 1732
Henri-Gabriel Ibels (1867–1936) 1892