Ah-nó-je-nahge, He Who Stands on Both Sides, a Distinguis... 1835
A-wun-ne-wa-be, Bird of Thunder 1845
George Lowery
Ta-wáh-que-nah, Mountain of Rocks, Second Chief of the Tr... 1834
Te-ah'-ke-ra-lée-re-coo, The Cheyenne, a Republican Pawne... 1832
La-wée-re-coo-re-shaw-wee, War Chief, a Republican Pawnee 1832
Ud-je-jock, Pelican, a Boy 1845
Mix-ke-móte-skin-na, Iron Horn, a Warrior 1832
Catlin and His Indian Guide Approaching Buffalo under Whi... 1847
No-ak-chóo-she-kaw, He Who Breaks the Bushes 1828
Le-sháw-loo-láh-le-hoo, Big Elk, Chief of the Skidi (Wolf... 1832
Span-e-o-née-kaw, The Spaniard 1828
Pah-mee-ców-ee-tah, Man Who Tracks, a Chief 1830
Pa-hú-sha, White Hair, the Younger, a Band Chief 1834
Pah-ta-cóo-chee, Shooting Cedar, a Brave 1832
Hose-put-o-káw-gee, a Brave 1834
Mah-tó-che-ga, Little Bear, a Hunkpapa Brave 1832
George Catlin 1849
Is-sa-wáh-tám-ah, Wolf Tied with Hair, a Chief 1834
Wah-chee-háhs-ka, Man Who Puts All Out of Doors 1835