The ruined temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt
The Throne Room of Empress Maria Fiodorovna in the Winter... 1831
Poltava Main Square 1850
Portrait of General-Lieutenant F.F. Beger 1892
"Portrait of Piotr Vannovsky" 1889
Sphinx 1904
Portrait of Admiral F. P. Vrangel 1892
Portrait of Admiral E. I. Alexeyev 1904
Portrait of Nikolai Gartman 1899
Portrait of Fedor Dostoyevsky 1872
''Carll H. de Silver''
''General John Blackburne Woodward''
Portrait of Lieutenant General, Count A.V. Adlerberg 1882
Portrait de femme, bras croisés
Portrait of Ivan Markov, the Governor of Mogilev 1837
Negerportrait 1926
Portrait of Ye.Ye. Baranov 1845
Portrait de vieille femme
John Bigelow 1901
Alexandr Tikhon. Grechaninov