Emily Appleton 1844
Self-portrait 1924
Earth's Creation 1994
Portrait of Dame Emily Penrose 1907
Emily Merelina Meymott, Baroness Shand (1830 - 1911) 1867
Sketch for Dame Emily Penrose (1858–1942) 1907
Emily Cathcart (1834-1917) 1856
Self-portrait 1939
Emily Thorn Vanderbilt Sloane 1888
Emily Brontë
The Brontë Sisters (Anne Brontë; Emily Brontë; Charlotte... 1834
Emily Elizabeth, Austin, and Lavinia Dickinson 1840
Emily Norcross Dickinson (Mrs. Edward Dickinson) (1804-18... 1840
Emily Post 1906
Portrait of the Misses Mary and Emily McEuen 1823
Emily 2007
Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky 1936
Odds and Ends
Odds and Ends 1939
Kitwancool 1928