Sir Edward Burne-Jones by Alphonse Legros - Alphonse Legr...
Psyche's wedding 1895
The Arming of Perseus 1885
King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid 1884
An Angel Playing a Flageolet
Sibylla Delphica 1868
Phyllis and Demophoon 1870
Sidonia von Bork 1860
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail 1870
The Wheel of Fortune 1883
The Nativity 1888
The fight: St George kills the dragon VI 1866
The Beguiling of Merlin 1872
The Merciful Knight 1863
The Baleful Head
The Prioress's Tale
Georgiana Burne-Jones, their children Margaret and Philip 1883
The Three Graces 1885
The Depths of the Sea 1887