Still-Life with Bread and Confectionary 1637
One Man's Confection 2010
Winter Still Life with Pancakes 1600
Still life with oysters and sweets, in the bakground "Laz... 1610
Rich Man's Meal 1601
The Poor Man's Store 1885
Still Life with Roast Chicken 1630
Still Life with Bearded Man Crock, Lamp, Olives and Sweet... 1610
Still-Life with Oysters, Pastries and Fruits 1600
Still life with a gilt goblet, a pomegranate and Wan Li d... 1612
Still Life with Sweetmeats 1636
Meal with a Mouse and a Parrot
Confectioners in Bahia
Young Girl Eating Sweets
The Little Confectioner
Masked and Unmasked Persons at the Confectioner's
A Table with Drinking Vessel and Confectionery 1666