Drunk 2010
Vino Revisited - Original Abstract painting Modern pop Ar...
The Wine Glass 1661
Pears, Walnuts and Glass of Wine 1768
Still Life with Bottle, Carafe, Bread, and Wine 1863
A ham, a herring, oysters, a lemon, bread, onions, grapes... 1645
Copa y Tazón 2012
RX Queen 2011
Borrachos X
Tres Copas 2012
Serie Los borrachos. Borrachos III.
Cartouche with fruit and flowers and wine glass 1651
Still Life: Bowl with Fruit and Wine Glass 1865
Still Life with a Wine Glass, Lemon Peel, Peaches, Grapes... 1643
Gentleman offering a glass of wine to a lady 1656
Sumptuous Still Life with Lobster, Fruit, Silver Saltcell... 1650
A lemon and orange in a porcelain bowl, a glass of wine,...
Interior with a Lady at a Spinet and a Gentleman Offering... 1666
An old woman drinking from a wine glass 1650
Portrait of a with Wine Glass 1655