Studies of Pierre Renoir; His Mother, Aline Charigot; Nud... 1886
Aline Chassériau 1835
Self-portrait 1890
Aline 2011
The Model Aline Masson 1876
Aline Masson con tocado de gasa (Pintura)
Aline Masson, with a White Mantilla 1875
Intérieur avec Aline Gauguin 1881
Portrait of the young Henri Bertholet-Campan (1784-1821)...
Portrait de Madame Aline Ménard-Dorian 1905
Aline la mulâtresse 1820
Portrait of a Child (maybe Aline Gauguin) 1877
Aline Gauguin and One of Her Brothers 1883
Vrouw aan een venster 1899
The Large Bathers 1887
The Two Sisters 1843
Portrait of Madame Renoir 1885
Blonde Bather
Untitled 1893
Blonde Bather 1881