Nest of the elevating cranes 2009
View from the Quai d'Orsay 1854
Dance of Crane/ つるの舞 2013
Foggy morning, Rouen
View of the wharf at Nyholm with the crane and some warsh... 1826
Cesta na věčnost (A Dream, Voyage de R-ve) 1902
The Fate of Persephone 1878
The Renaissance of Venus 1877
CRANE ALLEGORIQUE - Allegorical skull - by Pascal 1977
street in seoul 2010
Flora’s Feast: Christmas Rose
Britomart 1900
Podobizna Josephine Crane Bradley jako Slávie 1908
Portrait of Richard Teller Crane
Crâne et fémur dans une niche 1540
Still Life with Skull (Nature morte au crâne)
The Lady of Shalott 1862
Adam en Eva 1855
Autumn, Brandywine Valley, Pennsylvania 1910
De Waag (Weighing House) and Crane on the Spaarne, Haarle... 1660