Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributing author. Below you will find information on how you could contribute your texts in our educational content relating to art movements.
A. Writing for an Art Movement that has Already been Added
If you would like to contribute a new text for an art movement that has already been added, then please send us an e-mail at with e-mail subject "Text for <Art Movement>", e.g. "Text for Impressionism". In your e-mail include:
- The title of your text: This will appear on the sidebar along with the rest of the subpages of this movement. For example if you would like to write about Impressionism and the title of your text is "Impressionism beyond France" then this would appear as such:
- The body of the text: Before you start authoring your text it is important that you first read the General Guidelines for Contributing Authors.
- Links from sources you used while writing your text: Please include any links to direct quotations you have used inside the text. Also provide links to any other webpages you visited and took information from or other sources such as books or articles. These links will be added in the Furher Reading subpage of this art movement. Please also add any links, which you may have come across and you did not use, but you believe that readers may find them useful.
- A link to your USEUM profile: All texts are signed by their authors. For the full list of terms please read How can I become a Contributing Author?
B. Writing for an Art Movement that has Yet to be Added
If you would like to write a text for an art movement that has not yet been added, then your contribution is of crucial importance as you help the platform's educational content become more complete. Please find below how you can create an art movement on the platform:
B.1. The Structure of an Art Movement
For an art movement to be published three texts are required:
1. A brief Synopsis of the movement that appears on the first page of the art movement. Example:
2. The subpage "What is <Title Art Movement>". Example:
3. The subpage "History of <Title of Art Movement>". Example:
Once these texts have been gathered, the art movement will be published and, once it is on-line, then more pages can be added; pages that are movement-specific. So, for example for Impressionism a subpage is Early Criticism, or for Hypperrealism there is a page examining Hyperrealism and Socio-Political Issues.
B.2. How to Add an Art Movement
In order to add an art movement on the platform you must first contribute the text for the subpage "What is <Art Movement>?" If you would like to do so please send us an e-mail at with e-mail subject "New Art Movement: <Art Movement>" for example "New Art Movement: Cubism" and in your message include:
- The body of the text: Before you start authoring your text it is important that you first read the General Guidelines for Contributing Authors.
- Links from sources you have used while writing your text: Here please include any links of direct quotations you have used inside the text and also any other links you visited and you took information from. These links will be added in the "Furher Reading" subpage of this art movement.
- A link to your USEUM profile: All texts are signed by their authors. For the full list of terms please read How can I become a Contributing Author?
The art movement will only be published once all of the required texts have been contributed. These may be contributed by you, or other contributing authors can assist in the completion of a new art movement in order for it to be published.
If you have any questions please get in touch with us at with your questions and a member of the community will get back to assist you.