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by Antonio Balestra
Himmelfahrt eines Märtyrers (Cosmas und Damian) 1685
Venus the Huntress Greets Aeneas and Achates 1713
Matyrium eines Heiligen (Cosmas und Damian) 1685
The Centaur Chiron Receiving the Infant Achilles 1715
The glorification of St. Oswald
Madonna and Child with infant St John the Baptist
Holy Family with the Infant St. John 1515
Glorification of the Immaculate Conception
Procession of Gondolas in the Bacino di San Marco, Venice 1742
The Glorification of St. Felix and St. Adauctus
The Glorification of St. Anthony of Padua
The Glorification of St. Bernardino of Siena
St. Louis of Toulouse 1450
The fire miracle of St. Peter Martyr before the sultan 1445