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by Christian August Lorentzen
Mester Gert Westphaler, 25. scene 1815
Philosophus udi egen Indbildning, V. akt, 7. scene 1814
Udfaldet på Amager 1658 under Svenskekrigen 1657-60 1791
Untitled 1777
A Troup of Performers Arriving at the Fair at Dyrehavsbak... 1800
The Legend of the Danish Flag (the Dannebrog) Falling fro... 1809
To ynglinge med en hund 1797
The Most Terrible Night. View of Kongens Nytorv in Copenh... 1807
Blast Furnace in Bærum
View towards Drammen, Norway
Portrait of Count Rzewuski, Polish Ambassador to Denmark 1789
Erasmus Montanus, III akt, 3. scene 1794