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by Unknown Artist
The Dauphin François D'Angouleme 1536
Couronnement de la Vierge (Arles Saint-Césaire) 1700
Portrait of Maria Josephina Claus (1809-1841) 1837
Mother of God protecting geese 1839
Porträt der Ehefrau des Karl Jaegler 1900
Porträt eines Herrn aus der Familie Bolia 1835
Catherine Douglas (née Hyde), Duchess of Queensberry 1725
Portrait of Arnoud van Halen, Painter, Printmaker, Poet a... 1725
Reyer Reyersz van der Burch 1670
The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine 1650
Portrait of Petrus Albertus van der Parra, Governor-Gener... 1761
Catherine Opalińska, Queen of Poland 1725
Portrait of Arent Franckensz van der Meer, Lord of Papend... 1550
Portrait of Cornelis Calkoen, Ambassador to the Ottoman E... 1725
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