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by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Pope St Clement Adoring the Trinity 1737
Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken 1758
Alexander the Great and Campaspe in the Studio of Apelles 1740
The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 1725
Latinus Offering his Daughter Lavinia to Aeneas in Matrim... 1753
The Visit of Henry III to the Villa Contarini 1750
Scene from Ancient History 1750
The Glorification of the Barbaro Family 1750
Maecenas Presenting the Liberal Arts to Emperor Augustus 1743
Virtue and Nobility putting Ignorance to Flight
Saint Roch Carried to Heaven by Angels
Apparition of the Virgin to St. Simon Stock
Queen Zenobia before the Emperor Aurelian 1750
Young Woman with a Macaw 1750