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by Hendrick van Balen the Elder
The Baptism of the Chamberlain of Queen Candace of Ethiop... 1627
The miraculous multiplication of bread and fish 1607
Göttermahl – Hochzeit von Bacchus und Ariadne (Kopie nach...
Diana hunting with her nymphs 1607
Diana and her Nymphs Spied upon by Satyrs 1616
Diana at the Hunt - Diana and her nymphs asleep and spied... 1623
Diana and her nymphs spied on by satyrs 1620
Diana and her nymphs 1625
Bacchus and Diana 1616
The Banquet of the Gods. The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis 1611
The Judgement of Paris by Hendrick van Balen 1599
The Reconciliation between Jacob and Esau 1630