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by David Morier
Frederick V, King of Denmark (1723-1766), traditionally i... 1750
Private, 15th (The Duke of Cumberland's) Dragoons 1747
Grenadiers, 1st Royal, 2nd Queen's and 3rd Regiments of F... 1755
Grenadier, Regiment of Dragoons "Würtemberg" (?) 1748
Jane Maxwell, Duchess of Gordon, c 1749 - 1812. Wife of t... 1778
Sir David Lindsay, 4th Bart of Evelick (about 1732 - 1797... 1759
Robert Kerr, 1st Marquess of Lothian, 1636 - 1703. States... 1678
Daniel Terry, about 1780 - 1829. Actor and dramatist 1813
John Hay, 4th Marquess of Tweeddale, c 1695 - 1762. Lord... 1728
General Sir George Murray, 1772 - 1846. Soldier and state... 1825
General Sir David Baird Discovering the Body of Sultan Ti... 1839
General Henry Sinclair, Baron Horne, 1861 - 1929. Soldier... 1921
William Cunningham, 8th Earl of Glencairn, about 1610 - 1... 1661
Rear-Admiral Charles Inglis, about 1731 - 1791. Sailor