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by Jan van der Heyden
A View in Cologne with the Karthausekirche and St. Pantha...
The Grounds of a Baroque Palace 1670
View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amste... 1670
The Castle of Goudestein on the Vecht 1670
A Bridge into a Fortified Town 1690
Cityscape with a Church and a Square 1668
An Imaginary Town Gate with a Triumphal Arch 1663
Figures Resting and Promenading in an Oak Forest 1690
Vase with Flowers 1715
The Madonna and Child
A Grey Horse 1620
Still Life with Globe, Books, Sculpture, and Other Object...
Ceres and Two Nymphs with a Cornucopia
Still Life with Books and a Globe