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by Lambert Jacobsz
Rust op de vlucht naar Egypte 1624
Jesus and the doctors in the temple 1639
Het bezoek van drie engelen aan Abraham 1628
Portret van apostel Paulus 1629
The Prophet of Bethel Meets the Man of God from Judah 1629
Abraham's Parting from the Family of Lot 1650
Dead Man Restored to Life by Touching the Bones of the Pr... 1811
Athaliah Expelled from the Temple 1696
Saint Antony raising a Man from the Dead 1640
The Execution of Saint John the Baptist 1770
Cain fleeing from the Sight of God after the Death of Abe... 1692
Christ's death on the cross at Gogotha 1629
The Immaculate Conception (Joachim en Anna receiving the... 1757
The flight of Lot and his family from Sodom (Genesis 19 :... 1616
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