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by Jan Steen
Prayer Before the Meal 1660
Woman Counting Coins 1665
The Egg Dance 1670
A kitchen interior 1659
The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz 1794
The Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra 1674
A Kaag and a Smak in a Calm 1653
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus 1677
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha 1650
Still life with Jan Steen pitcher, salt cellar, and chees... 1629
Two boys with plaster statuettes by the light of an oil l... 1666
The Marriage of Tobias and Sara 1670
Ascagnes and Lucelle (The Music Lesson) 1667
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Amsterrdam 1665