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by Neri di Bicci
Sainte Catherine, saint Antoine de Padoue, saint Jean l'É... 1465
La Vierge et l'Enfant trônant avec six saints 1485
Drieluik " Maria met kind, H. Petrus en H. Paulus" op hou... 1470
Le Christ adoré par huit saints 1450
The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints 1394
The Entombment of Christ 1350
The Mocking of Christ 1300
Processional Standard with the Adoration of the Child by... 1450
In You Rejoiceth (Poulakis) 1680
Adoration of the Shepherds 1475
Madonna of Constantinople (Pitzamanos) 1600
Baptism of Christ
Madonna and Child with Saints Anthony Abbot, Lawrence, Jo... 1404
The Adoration of the Magi 1475